Without the ‘help’ of makeup most people aren’t blessed with ‘perfect’ skin. Long term commitment and making time daily to follow skin healthy choices you’re on the way to achieving that silky smooth look.
Who says having great skin is impossible?! Let us show you how and you’re bound to see smoother results especially with continuous use.
1. Out With The Old, in With The New
We’re talking about Exfoliation. Exfoliating your skin removes any dead skin cells built up on the surface. When the skin sheds, it makes way for healthier cells. Other benefits you’ll find exfoliating 1-2 days a week are
- Clear skin of many harmful pollutants and bacteria pilled up.
- With exfoliation your body is ready for cell renewal.
- Exfoliating is the key to glowing skin.
- Products penetrate easier without any debris clogging the surface.
2. Serums and Oils Aren’t Bad For Your Skin
Forget what you’ve heard, they aren’t bad for your skin! Now we aren’t talking about grease that appears on your face at the end of the day or after the gym that’s mixed with dirt, free radicals and anything else you added when you touch your face. Instead, applying the good oils and serums on a daily basis not only becomes an astringent getting rid of the ‘grease’ but it also keeps your skin’s production of sebum regulated keeping skin soft and smooth also fighting acne! Why else do we love them for smooth skin?
- They’re emollients used for softening, moisturizing, lubricating and protecting the skin.
- Moisture is deeply absorbed and locked in place.
- They help absorb other products allowing them to work more effectively.
- Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants for your skin, keeping it healthy.
3. Don’t Forget to Moisturize
When it comes to skincare, like oils, many are unsure about the use of moisturizer whether it’ll help their face or make acne and other inflammation worse. Your skin needs moisture to stay soft, heck it craves it! No matter the time of day or time of year your skin needs to stay moisturized but before you grab the closest body cream near you, know a few things first…
- Don’t use body cream for your face. Facial creams are more sensitive and made for a reason.
- If you have maturing or dry skin you may want to use a thicker facial cream.
- Those with normal, oily or combo skin should typically use a lightweight noncomogenic moisturizer.
- Moisturizing reduces the appearance of acne, not make it worse.
- Boosting hydration, it creates a layer of protective moisture.
4. Follow a Proper Skincare Regimen
Now you may not think so but following a proper skincare regimen daily is key to success. We’re not just talking throw whatever ingredients on in any order, as products applied in proper order give the best results…
- Cleanse
- Tone
- Serum
- Moisturize
- Twice a week use a face mask
- 1-3 times a week exfoliating
5. Drink Water
Although it may seem easy (“All I have to do is drink water? I got this!” some of you may be saying to yourself right now!) but for many it’s harder than it looks. Recommended for not only skincare, but for overall health and wellness your body needs hydration…8 ounces, 8 glasses, ½ gallon a day minimum to be exact. Water is amazing for your skin flushing away toxins, giving skin a plump and dewy appearance and hydrating your body from the inside/out. Purchase a cute ‘to go’ cup to carry around that you enjoy looking at so you won’t forget.
6. You are What You Eat
It’s been said that ‘You are what you eat’ but did you know that it’s a pretty accurate saying. To the trained eye, a skincare specialist may be able to determine how healthy your dietary intake is by looking at your face. Those favorite unhealthy foods of yours may not only taste incredibly delicious but they may be potentially affecting your waistline but also causing skin concerns. Although delicious, try to avoid too much sugar, alcohol, salt and dairy which can cause a breakdown of collagen leaving skin looking thin and dull and also cause skin sensitivities and inflammation. Aim for adding a ‘rainbow’ of foods daily including some of our favorites for creating smooth and supple skin while also reducing inflammation that can also help with acne and wrinkles.
- Strawberries
- Citrus Fruits
- Bananas
- Blueberries
- Avocado
- Red Bell Peppers
Just like anything else creating smoother skin takes time and commitment. Just like the gym you won’t see definition at first, but after several weeks you’ll begin noticing a difference. The best way to start is following a proper lifestyle, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol (or just stick to antioxidant packed red wine), eating clean foods, drinking your water and staying active all play a part in a smoother appearance. Put your best face first and give it a try!